First Stab at Reactive Framework

Today I made an attempt to make some sense of Reactive Framework(Rx).  Rx allows developers to write queries against events.  I know, I had hard time wrapping my head around this concept as well.  I hope the example below will help.

I downloaded and installed Rx extensions for Silverlight from the page above.  I created new Silverlight project and added references to three DLLs that are included with Rx:

System.CoreEx, System.Observable, System.Reactive.

In attempt to save time I created RIA Services project.  Rx is not as good of a fit for the Rx pattern, so my example is a bit contrived.

First, I am creating new instance of domain context

RXContext context;

Now, I am creating new query and starting the load for it:

            var talks = context.GetTalksQuery();

            var op = context.Load<Talk>(talks, LoadBehavior.RefreshCurrent, false);

Now, the fun part:  I am creating two event handlers by querying completed event with two different where clauses – one for error, the other for success:

    var events = Observable.FromEvent((EventHandler<EventArgs> eventInstance) => 
        new EventHandler(eventInstance),
            eventInstance => op.Completed += eventInstance,
            eventInstance => op.Completed -= eventInstance);
    var subsc = events.Where(ev => op.Error == null).Subscribe((args) => 
        { gridTalks.ItemsSource = op.AllEntities; });
    var errorSubs = events.Where(ev => op.Error != null).Subscribe((args) => 
        { MessageBox.Show(op.Error.ToString()); });

In the first statement I am converting regular event to observable event.  In the other two statement I am creating two event subscriptions with different where clauses.

Rx supports other clauses, such as group by as well.  I can see that Rx in general can result in cleaner, more readable code.  You can find more details at this Rx 101 page.

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